Had a world history textbook whose opening sentences are ingrained in my brain.
“The Chinese Civilization emerged on the banks of the Yangzhi River in 3000 BC. In 1840 AD, the British arrived.”
5000 years of wars, rebellions, famines, invasions, and plagues and there’s still nothing as catastrophic in Chinese history as the Anglo showing up.
It is not in their interest to go over the rich and complex histories of peoples on the second largest continent. Fucking
it would look really bad on the western imperial powers if they actually did teach what goes on over there
western msm is quiet about all the liberation movements going on right now, possibly hoping people ignore it.
meanwhile you’ll learn everything about U.S. history noncenstually, also even marxists and leftist writers have this problem.
Crackers suck
at writing historyFTFY
No lies detected 💀
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