Please do not give me shit for using Facebook. It’s how I keep in touch with relatives, most of whom live abroad, and my brother, who is has ASD prefers to communicate with me that way.
I would rather not use it, but I would prefer keeping in touch with my brother.
That said, I would not let AI keep in touch with my brother for me.
And long as you login to Facebook using a tails stick, you should be fine.
Is this what you’re referring to?
Not sure, but better hope that it doesn’t disappear because this fox is fighting to get his domain back.
that sounds pretty cool actually. i’m running opensuse on portable right now but i might check this out.
If you login, why would it matter? You are logged in, they have identified you.
Edit: sure they may not know exactly where you are, but they know you are you and can keep aggregating data on you as you browse Facebook at least, if not more?