In a recent video on Twitter, he compared the China of today to 2019 and was completely shocked at the speed to progress and change. Says it’s like stepping into the future.

1 - Automation: From trains to taxis to purchases - everything is done seamlessly with super Apple Pay.

2 - EV: 30%-40% of the cars are fully electric. You can get Teslas but you have Chinese brands that offer sedans for $10k.

3 - The air is much cleaner. Partly due to EVs.

4 - People are more respectful of societal norms. There is better service everywhere you go.

5 - Less foreigners, even in touristy areas. Most white people are actually Russian.

6 - In factories, robots do the work in contrast to the perception people have in the US of China just throwing cheap labor at every problem. Factories set up their own e-commerce platforms and sell directly on China’s TikTok.

7 - It feels like over the past 5 years, everything by in China just got better, while everything in the US just got worse.


  • NoLeftLeftWhereILive [none/use name, she/her]
    6 months ago

    I have a question. Who, ever, in real life has shit their pants? Not talking about people with medical issues, but afaik we can hold it in if needed. And we can shit in other places than just toilets, like in the woods or wherever. Shitting in your pants seems an interesting choice indeed. How does lack of toilet paper make one shit their pants?

    Don’t people like this ever experience times when there in fact are no toilets around to shit in? Like during a long nature hike does this guy carry a toilet with him to be able to not shit his pants?

    • reverendz [comrade/them]
      6 months ago

      Have you never gambled and lost with a fart?

      Once or twice, I had diarrhea as an adult, and thought it was a fart, and wound up sharting.

      Can’t be that uncommon.

      • Can’t say that I have.

        I also tend to not go around touristing if I have diarrhea.

        I am talking about adult humans on average being pretty capable of not shitting their pants.

        This guy is saying he shat his pants many times in China because no toilet paper or public toilets. There aren’t really any public toilets where I live either, apart from in malls and such where using them costs money. I still manage not to shit my pants and I think most people do.

        • Krem [he/him]
          6 months ago

          there are public toilets everywhere in china though wtf. like way better than in every european country i’ve been to. granted you have to supply your own paper usually

    • flan [they/them]
      6 months ago

      i assume this guy is suggesting he had food that gave him some food poisoning. personally ive gone through that but even then i didnt shit my pants.

    • meth_dragon [none/use name]
      6 months ago

      long route on public transport, no readily available bathrooms, lots of people around

      i used to think shitting in public was uncivilized and disgusting behavior but after experiencing some dangerous episodes i have newfound respect for those with so few fucks to give that they are able to drop trow and blast one out in front of a crowd of people

        • JayTwo [any]
          6 months ago

          IBS is pretty prevalent though. More than you likely think it is. Estimated to affect around 10-15% of the global population. So it’s not just this fraction of a percent outlier sorta thing.

          • Yes, but am I arguing againts public toilets or saying people with IBS aren’t genuinely in trouble without them? Did I not say medical issues excluded?

            I am arguing againts this smug asshole who can’t shit in a public toilet if it has no paper in it. And who is trying to frame Chinese toilets so bad that that alone has made him shit himself multiple times, which I do not buy.

            • JayTwo [any]
              6 months ago

              Probably shouldn’t say this because it’ll end up as a sign in headline but as someone with IBS I’ve shat myself three times over my lifetime, twice in the states once in Europe, because available toilets were too far or closed or had lines etc. I don’t just shit on the street because that can lead to law enforcement problems so I’m attempting to find a real toilet until it’s too late.

              I feel the colon spasms come on and I have five minutes max. Sometimes I don’t make it in time.

              Being open about it especially as it can leave me homebound at times when it’s bad has led a lot of people to admit to me they’ve also had accidents or near misses.

              As for the guy in the thumbnail it’s probably a mix of four things:
              • Making an exaggerated statement to get views
              • Genuine unsanitary conditions giving him food poisoning that are improving
              • IBS and either not knowing how to manage it through diet or not being willing to
              • A crappy gut biome from a normally cruddy SAD diet.

      • If talking to me, not a mister.

        Also I have spent my entire time in school bullied so bad that using the toilet was never an actual safe option. So anecdotally am of the mind that people are very good at holding it in for surprisingly long times if they must. Not saying this is healthy or something that should happen, but if there isn’t toilets to be used most people don’t in fact shit themselves.

    • Dirt_Possum [any, undecided]
      6 months ago

      Thank goodness I’ve also never shat my pants as an adult, but I have come close. If there hadn’t been a room with a toilet relatively close by, there were a few times when I probably would have. Either that, or be forced to drop trou and let loose somewhere where doing so would be entirely inappropriate. I always found a loo just in the nick of time, but it’s easy for me to imagine what would have happened if I hadn’t been so lucky with washroom proximity.

      On the contrary, I find it hard to believe that any adult hasn’t experienced at least one time in their life when their bowels very suddenly and threateningly demanded that they get moved pronto and give their owner’s very little time to find a restroom, all while putting them in considerable and increasing anguish until they do. Sure, we can hold it for a while and under normal every-day circumstances it’s not too difficult. But if you’ve ever mistakenly eaten something that “didn’t agree with you,” but that realization only dawned on you at a very inopportune time, you would know that this is a recipe for disaster.

    • MaoTheLawn [any, any]
      6 months ago

      CW: gross poo story

      One time I had the shits, then I smoked a joint and found out that rather remarkably, weed is great for diarrhea.

      Woke up the next morning with a sleepy weed brain, forgot I ever had diarrhea, lifted my leg for a mighty fart, and no joke, I sprayed a perfect line of watery shit down my bed and onto the wall at the end of it (in my tiny box bedroom). A perfect straight line.

      Shit spray is the sort of thing I’d only imagined was really a thing in spoof movies and frat comedies. It was funny for about 5 seconds before I realised the weight of my actions.

    • laziestflagellant [they/them]
      6 months ago

      Physical exertion + had a meal that upset your stomach + no immediately available public restrooms is a storm of events that can catch even physically healthy and fit adults off guard. Heard a few of stories from college students walking back to campus from wherever that got really unlucky on the way home.