Over the years news search engine of Google and Bing has become increasingly useless, where even quoting specific keywords of news I know exists yields no result and I am choked with unrelated trendy local news. So, I am looking for a better news search engine (bonus if it also searches blogs and is able to differentiate as well).

  • OutrageousHairdo [he/him]
    1 month ago

    N/A. If I’m searching for news with a search engine, then it’s because I already have an article in mind, and usually it’s no challenge finding those no matter which search engine I use. For reference, I usually use DuckDuckGo. For news I haven’t already seen, I don’t search for it but instead get essentially referred by social media.

    • @SafipokOP
      11 month ago

      DDG news search is just a proxy for Bing News, I often have a topic in mind and like to find news of that topic but no search engine seems to give me results.

  • It's A Faaaahhkeah!
    11 month ago

    I’ve been using Kagi for a while now and I enjoy it, it feels weird paying for a search engine, but I use it a lot so I get my money’s worth for sure.