No idea if my posts may be recognizable yet so a short intro: I’m perceived as a foreigner everywhere I go my entire life and have no attachments anywhere. Finding housing is hell due to the anti foreigner prejudice. I moved countries three times in the past three years because of this and I’m struggling again so I’m escaping the situation by thinking of the potential future solutions. I keep hearing about the Japanese decreasing population so I was thinking maybe it would be viable to look into jobs there eventually. I was wondering how it went for you or if you fantasize of it or plan to do so yourself. I just aim to someday live where my contribution to the society is more valuable than the prejudice against me not being a local and places with considerable negative birth rate feels like the most sensible choice.

    1 year ago

    Japan is the last place I would go if I was a communist trying to live in Asia. If I were to look into moving to Asia (and I have considered it), and wanted to stay in a socialist country, think Vietnam would be the easiest to get into. They way I see it, white boomer expats from the US are able to transition to and retire there with relative ease. So if those kind of people can do it, while many being unwilling to even learn the language, someone like me that IS willing to learn the language and integrate into their society should be able to handle it. I would much prefer someplace more northern of climate like northern China or NK but actually getting into those countries as a foreigner is not exactly what would would consider easy. I would love to live in one of them though. I would like to be a part of building up a communist country. Even though idk what I would even have to offer them. Most of my experience is in doing stuff like tech writing and QA. The writing will go out the window unless I get good enough to translate and I figure they would have better native translators. They probably have a whole different kind of regulatory style there and so the QA would basically be useless as well.