ETA: This is being done on a Raspberry Pi 4 running 64-bit Raspbian using an external SSD as storage.
I am following the instructions here:
Please note that I have only used docker a few times in the past and have always failed so that could be a contributing factor.
My goal for the moment is just to have the instance on localhost so I can play around with it before deciding if running my own instance is something I have the time for.
Here are the steps I have taken so far and the result:
- apt install docker-compose
- mkdir /lemmy
- cd /lemmy
- wget
- wget
- mkdir -p volumes/pictrs
- sudo chown -R 991:991 volumes/pictrs
- change db pswd in docker-compose.yml
- created nginx.conf (in root of lemmy folder) with config info on the above-linked page
- edited lemmy.hjson and changed admin username, admin pswd, site name, hostname (to “localhost,” also tried “”), set postgres pswd to db pswd I put into docker-compose.yml
- then i run docker-compose up -d and get the following message:
`WARNING: The Qa variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string. WARNING: The k variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string. ERROR: Couldn’t connect to Docker daemon at http+docker://localhost - is it running?
If it’s at a non-standard location, specify the URL with the DOCKER_HOST environment variable. `
I imagine I’m doing a lot of things wrong. I would be extremely appreciative for any help anybody can provide.
Does your database password contain $Qa and/or $k? It’ll interpret those as environment variables if not escaped properly.
The docker daemon not running is a bit weird, usually docker-compose shouldn’t be trying to connect to the daemon via http, are you using sudo?
You’re a genius! I always generate my passwords with Keepass and forgot to unmark the characters setting. Going to give that a try now. Thank you!
Also on the second part I didn’t realize I had to use sudo (yeah as I mentioned I am terrible with docker). Fixing the db pswd and using sudo has made it all start! Thank you again!
Now it’s throwing up the error that 443 is already in use since I access Nextcloud via https. Am I able to just change the port in the config file?
Yes, in the docker compose file under
you’ll find- 443:443
, this maps port 443 on your host machine to port 443 of the container. Simply change the left port number to change the port that’s used on the host machine.