• @Pyr_Pressure@lemmy.ca
    62 months ago

    California and Alaska, if you can convince Oregon and Washington I will try and get British Columbia to join.

    Let’s take over the West Coast and tax the shit out of any imports from China that need to cross over to get to the rest of Canada and the US

    • @LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net
      2 months ago

      Large, wealthy, lots of resources, politics somewhat different from national average, history of independence and strong state identity.

      Basically the same reasons as Texas. There are actually some pretty significant shared cultural elements though people get angry if you point this out.

    • @invertedspear@lemm.ee
      42 months ago

      To add to the other answer, good agriculture as well. They can handle feeding themselves just fine. But they’d have to take AZ with them as well or else be able to negotiate like hell else SoCal won’t get any more water from the Colorado. AZ would not join CA willingly.

      • Dantpool
        32 months ago

        Arizonan here, I’d support AZ going with Cali just to see all the idiots who think Californians are ruining Arizona lose their damned minds

  • @Lavitz@lemmings.world
    2 months ago

    As a resident of Austin, Texas, I can assure you when Texas succeeds that we will quickly take over. Between us, Houston and San Antonio, Texas would be forced to stay in the union. The same goes for California.

    Edit: I’m sorry, am I supposed to be excited at the aspect of crazy right wingers succeeding from the union? Do you have any idea how shitty Texas would be without the Federal gov’t keeping it in check? Civil War 2 electric bugaloo… Yipee! Think of all the cool things we can do!!