• rant

    On the other side, the extreme Islamophobia used against Palestinians is wild, visible even in so called leftist spaces, simply get any “criticism of Islam” from a communist prespective and replace “Islam” with “Judaism” and see how much of a “product of your time” you sound like,“Jihadist group that throws gays off of buildings and stone women” is simply today’s version of whatever the anti-semites were spouting about Jews eating babies, MOTHERFUCKER if I have to explain to another person that “No sweaty, Hamas doesn’t enforce Jizya on non-muslims in Gaza” I’ll snap. and whenever an anti semitic attack happens in Europe or North America they always don’t even think twice “Oh the muslims must be the culprit deport” Like FUCK YOU, you crakkker humanoids put 6 million jews into literal ovens and WE’RE SUPPOSED TO BE THE JEW HATERS? This fucking shit pisses me off, 30k Gazans have been genocided infront of us and these heartless so called “nuissance havers” are worried about anti semitism rising? if anything this war has made every single person I know way less anti semitic, You know why? because at every speech we’re reminded that the “Bani Sahyoun” are Nazis and fascists and that the fight is with the zionist state and not with the Jews.

    sacred cow