Screenshot included so you do not have to browse to it. Literally. I’m not even joking. The entire subreddit is 2 days old (founded immediately after the AMA) and populated+moderated exclusively by accounts less than 6 months old following standard generic name schemes and posting comments that reek of chatGPT generated responses.
This is the most hilarious, saddest, most obviously transparent attempt at propaganda astroturfing I have ever seen.
Spez. Get a bloody life, my dude.
Illustrates well problem with satire and how subs like pcm become what they are. Some people don’t get satire.
I mean this guy almost got me too.
Yes, there are also people getting triggered by r/BanVideoGames where people say that they’re posting from the Hubble Teloscope and that kys is short for keep yourself safe and lol stands for lots of love and so on.
Theres also a subreddit dedicated to people getting obvious satire (mostly by the onion)
Even when it’s suuuper obvious there are always people who don’t get it.
Well now to be fair there also are a lot of headlines that sound like satire but are actually true.