I’m just here for Richard Ayoade.
Fire! Exclamation mark… Fire!
I’m here for the vegetables.
Maybe they’ll feature Joe Pera as another giant and we’ll see a giant-sized bean arch. Although he has been talking about tomatoes more lately.
Some real uncanny valley going on in that, but I don’t care. MORE FABLE!
I loved the first two Fable games so was interested in seeing this one. The feeling I got was that someone wrote down “British humour” on the design vision, so they went about ticking that box. Fable to me was humour that happened to be British, which is not the same.
One just is, the other is because it’s trying to be.
Richard Ayoade is basically the go to box tick in this space, maybe add Noel Fielding to that, who I wouldn’t be surprised to see at some point in this.
I dunno, I’m just left feeling a bit cold on this presentation.
Until I watched this trailer, I had no idea how badly I need to fight a giant Richard Ayoade.
I am titillated.
I feel like I need an ELI5 on this. Doesn’t look like any Fable game I’ve seen
Yeah it’s confusing, honestly.
It feels like the Prince of Persia game that was announced, to me. As in, the company that made this game, made something vaguely similar and just slapped a known IP’s name on it, for recognition’s and marketing’s sake.