Oh noes, that short community list 😱 – but hey, some have been shown to the instance already! 🎊
An instance needs to learn the network either organically from interactions or by getting pointed to nice places of the fediverse.

Finding a community

You might have seen the instancelist already. You can view their communities and subscribe to them from tchncs. Also check out browse.feddit.de for finding all teh nice communities across instances.


The syntax for a community is !community.
The syntax for a remote community is !community@server.xyz
The searchbox also understands full links like https://lemmy.ml/c/unixporn

Show this server a community:

Note: make sure you are searching the fediverse. Do not filter for local, which might be your default!

  1. Go to the search and look up a remote community that you either found on the network or simply guessed.
  2. The server will now try to subscribe to it in the background
  3. After a while the ui will refresh and show the community as a search result. This might take a few seconds. (otherwise see below).
  4. If you want to make sure, just search again after a few seconds or check the community-list and you should find what you were looking for.

If it’s stuck at pending

There currently are many discussions around this. Right not it seems like it still works, even tho it says pending.

    • @Adda
      51 year ago

      Not as of now. You can create an issue for it on Lemmy’s GitHub repository.

        • @Adda
          31 year ago

          Not sure if you are familiar with GitHub. It is not an issue in the sense of a problem, but it is a reasonable feature one could request using the issues interface on GitHub. However, I see that such issue already exists. As expected, though, it is way down in the developer’s backlog. If enough people show interest in the feature in the linked issue, its priority can change.

    • MilanOPM
      11 months ago


      i am able to access this from here. please give the server a few seconds to refresh the search result, after the the two servers exchanged the required informations if it is something new that wasn’t shown to this instance before :)

      Oh, and make sure not to filter for local content! I keep forgetting that because my lemmy account is not configured like this.

      • SomeLemmyUser
        311 months ago

        hm strange, i tried it from the browser, now it works, but inside of jerboa i cant find them from the search…

          • SomeLemmyUser
            311 months ago

            welp, searching in browser then viewing in jerboa works, so i guess this is enough workaround for now. thanks for infos :)

  • @AntonMuster@discuss.tchncs.de
    1 year ago

    Ich hoffe hier ist ein guter Ort um meine dummen Fragen zu dem Thema zu stellen.
    Wieso sieht man bei manchen Communitys keine Beiträge, obwohl die dem Server schon länger bekannt sind? Beispiel: Post unter https://feddit.de/c/ich_iel sind da, unter https://discuss.tchncs.de/c/ich_iel@feddit.de ist alles leer.
    Edit: Wenn ich nicht eingeloggt bin, sehe ich die Posts unter https://discuss.tchncs.de/c/ich_iel@feddit.de. Inhaltsbeschränkungen habe ich aber eigentlich keine eingestellt.

    Noch ein Edit: Scheint an den Spracheinstellungen zu liegen. Jetzt muss mir nur noch jemand erklären, wie ich mehr als eine Sprache einstelle.
    Weiterer Edit (langsam wirds lächerlich): Einfach neben den Sprachen das X klicken, dann wird alles in allen Sprachen angezeigt. Ich lasse den Post mal stehen falls jemand die gleichen Probleme hat :D

    Teilweise können auch ganze Communitys nicht gefunden werden wie zum Beispiel !lgbtq_plus@beehaw.org
    Edit: !lgbtq_plus@beehaw.org wird mittlerweile gefunden, aber nur wenn man den Communitynamen sucht. Bei vollständigem Namen mit Server wird nichts gefunden.

    • MilanOPM
      11 year ago

      Der Server sucht öfter mal nicht schnell genug für das Frontend wenn der remote Raum noch nicht bekannt ist… einfach etwas Zeit geben und nochmal suchen.

    • MilanOPM
      111 months ago

      Edit: !lgbtq_plus@beehaw.org wird mittlerweile gefunden, aber nur wenn man den Communitynamen sucht. Bei vollständigem Namen mit Server wird nichts gefunden.

      Wenn ich die Adresse eingebe wird das sehr wohl gefunden, kann aber leicht in den Suchergebnissen übersehen werden.

        • MilanOPM
          111 months ago

          ah… bei mir ist das so voreingestellt, dass hat dann wohl das ergebnis verfälscht 😇

  • Ultrawipf
    111 months ago

    While most communities seem to work for example !matrix@lemmy.ml is still not reachable from here. Only 4 posts are synced and subscribe pending status for multiple days. Tried to resubscribe a few times but no change yet.

    Might be because it has a lot of posts and lemmy.ml still has some federation issues but some of their communities are working correctly but several of them i am not able to subscribe to.

    • Ultrawipf
      111 months ago

      New posts seem to get synced now but the history is missing. Maybe an issue from when the instance was unavailable

    • MilanOPM
      11 months ago

      Based on discussions with other users, it appears that this mostly affects that instance. There is also a discussion here.

      Right now i dont know if there is much that can be done on our side… what i can say is that if you try it multiple times, you may have luck to get it to subscribed – but it is not certain if it will indeed work from that moment forward.

  • Ruapho
    110 months ago

    I am missing posts from remote communitys… A lot of them. In this example everything in the last 14 Hours is missing: Missing posts

    This is for almost all remote communities. Any solution to this?