“It’s almost a cruel joke on the electorate that the longest presidential election potentially ever might also be the one that they’re least excited about,” said one Democratic pollster, speaking anonymously to candidly discuss the race.

  • Nobody@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    And yet, democracy itself is on the ballot. I don’t want Joe Biden to be my nominee, but I also realize that Trump is the absolute collapse of America. It’s letting our basest instincts and lesser demons overcome the promise of what we could be.

    I don’t care that he’s old and moderate and held dumbass positions in the past. Biden is what is standing between order and chaos. Stability and collapse.

    One candidate openly supports lawlessness and fascism for his own personal gain. The other is an old yellow dog Democrat who governs from the center right. It sucks, but the right thing is showing up for Biden IF you vote in a swing state.

    If you don’t vote in a swing state, vote hard down ballot, then do whatever for president. It doesn’t really matter.