wasn’t that the developer that baited and switched his app from free to grow the base and then turned it into an ad ridden app with expensive upgrade to get rid of ads?
The irony of now reddit doing the same for him. 🤣🤣
no, I meant the developer of “Joey for Reddit”. He basically built a huge userbase while it was free, then bam, video ads between posts and pay to remove them.
wasn’t that the developer that baited and switched his app from free to grow the base and then turned it into an ad ridden app with expensive upgrade to get rid of ads?
The irony of now reddit doing the same for him. 🤣🤣
AreyouthinkingofApollo?Ifso,theappwasneverfree.Well,itwasfreetodownload,butyouhadtounlocktheProleveltobeabletopost,whichwaswortheverypennybecauseit’salegitimatelygreatapp.HelaterintroducedanUltralevelbehindasubscription,whichhadaccesstootherQoLfeaturesthatdidn’treallyaffectgeneralRedditusage.Noneofthelevelshaveanyadvertisingbeyondhimoccasionally(once,maybetwiceayear)puttingupabannertoalertuserstoanyseasonaldiscountshewasoffering.Ignore my ranting…
no, I meant the developer of “Joey for Reddit”. He basically built a huge userbase while it was free, then bam, video ads between posts and pay to remove them.
Ah! Sorry, went off on one a bit there…