• @lFenix
    51 year ago

    I’ve been buying the same brand of cheese for years. It used to cost 25 CZK not even two years ago. Today, I had to pay 44. Unbelievable.

    • @redtea@lemmygrad.ml
      31 year ago

      I found a receipt from January. I daren’t compare it with my receipt from last week’s shop.

      I went to buy a box of cereal last week. It’s been out of stock for months, but I check whether it’s in every time I go to the one shop that used to stock it. It’s back! And on offer! Lucky me! Until I look closely. It’s got ‘new’ plastered across the top of the box. I’m curious. What does this mean? I check the ingredients. It’s not new. It’s exactly the same. The only difference is, the box is literally half the size of what it used to be. Same price. I’ll never buy it again. Partly out of spite. I hope they go bankrupt. The shop owners and the manufacturer. The wankers. How thick do they think we are?

  • @frippa
    51 year ago

    I thought 2 euros for a liter of coke by my local small grocery store was extortionary until the local supermarket started charging close to that

  • @Ferk
    1 year ago

    Depends on the item, though. Often it’s closer to 100% increase than 55% in my experience.

    It’s crazy… I used to be able to fill up my shopping cart and still barely spend 30€… nowadays it’s usually about ~60€.

  • @TheAnonymouseJoker
    1 year ago

    Hope Russian SMO continues for a year or two more, and non Anglosphere countries refuse to trade resources with Anglosphere. It might be enough to shake up the brains of these Europeans and bring their senses back, and ditch USA. NATO needs to collapse beyond recovery, and westerners need to stop being fascistic and abusive towards rest of the world.