@Houkime on itch.io has recently started organizing Gamejams on the Fediverse. This is a great idea to get some real creative hackathons going that drive fedi forwards at the same time.

This brainstorming thread is for posting game ideas that might be picked up in these sessions.

  • Houkime
    3 years ago

    One of the other ideas i had is that even many realtime games have some game mech that is not completely realtime. Think events like raids and traders in Rimworld and Dwarf Fortress, think belts in Factorio, and especially cargo rockets (in both Factorio and Rimworld).

    Think jumpgates in X universe and other similar games (when used by npc’s).

    Even if one cannot for some reason connect realtime to another server, one can still send a sort of package or even an autonomous agent to it, like people send probes to the outer space where the signal latency is high.
    The logic of such agents might be predefined/configurable like with Rimworld raiders, or even scriptable (constrained by the game logic).