• NotJustForMe
    10 months ago

    It’s the “they don’t even think about it” part that makes me feel this way.

    With cars, it just leads to wasted space and resources.

    Working in a hospital, that same thinking leads to Dialysis, Metabolic Disease and amputations. I see it multiple times per day.

    Often intelligent people, but acting moronic. Not using their intelligence. That’s quite apparent in SUVs. They cost a fortune, so it’s usually not stupidity. It’s just them being mindless. And without a second thought about others.

    I stand by my choice of words.

    Sometimes, yeah, an SUV makes sense. Then again, driving it into a congested city, that doesn’t make sense.

    If I saw someone driving it through a mountainous region, I wouldn’t say anything. That’s fine. :)