• @agamemnonymous@sh.itjust.works
    -14 months ago

    Then stop proving me right.

    Not a liberal. Anarcho-Communist. But I’m also not an idiot. Praxis praxis praxis. You have none, only idealism.

      • I am aware. Praxis is the synthesis of theory and action, as distinct from pure idealism divorced from any actual action. Pragmatism is a guiding principle in choosing what actions to take, prioritizing behavior that has tangible results over fruitless ones.

        I can see why you would think I’m conflating the two since I am advocating praxis specifically founded on pragmatism. However, I’m also generally advocating any form of praxis, pragmatic or not, over just empty both-sides complaining.

    • @brain_in_a_box
      -24 months ago

      But I’m also not an idiot.

      removed, you think the USSR still exists, you’re dumb as a bag of hammers.