03/08/2021-09/08/2021 Arnalie reflected on how State of the Map worked from the perspective of an organiser [1] About us Mariotomo, from Panama, explained some of the problems faced by our readers …
I won’t completely gove up on OSM, but it isn’t as easy as I’d hoped.
I know the why it is important to switch to OSM, but the how is my roadblock. I’ve seen a few videos on YT, but still struggle…so, don’t use it much. In a perfect world, I’d use it exclusively. For example, I found adding businesses difficult, so that must explain why, in an American metro suburb, there are almost no businesses on OSM.
I am in love with the concept of FOSS, but everything about it is an uphill battle…a lot of time learning, failing, getting the courage to try again…
I won’t completely gove up on OSM, but it isn’t as easy as I’d hoped. I know the why it is important to switch to OSM, but the how is my roadblock. I’ve seen a few videos on YT, but still struggle…so, don’t use it much. In a perfect world, I’d use it exclusively. For example, I found adding businesses difficult, so that must explain why, in an American metro suburb, there are almost no businesses on OSM. I am in love with the concept of FOSS, but everything about it is an uphill battle…a lot of time learning, failing, getting the courage to try again…