• archomrade [he/him]
    55 months ago

    A reminder that the labour theory of value is not a marxist concept. When people wave their hands around and say “labor theory of value isn’t objectively true!!”, they’re shadowboxing a ghost.

    Value != price

    • @Prunebutt@feddit.de
      15 months ago

      Umm… Thanks for that unnecessarily aggressive seeming and a bit incompehensible addendum, I guess?

      • archomrade [he/him]
        35 months ago

        I think it’s more assertive than aggressive.

        What part of my response did you find incomprehensible?

        • @Prunebutt@feddit.de
          35 months ago

          Sorry, I interpreted it as aggressive. Figuring out tone in text form is hard and all that. Sorry that I wrongly accused you.

          Things I didn’t get:

          A reminder that the labour theory of value is not a marxist concept.

          Marx hasn’t been explicity brought up yet (at least not in my comment). Only implicitly in the original post. Again: thought you were attacking me and was like “umm… So what?”

          When people wave their hands around and say “labor theory of value isn’t objectively true!!”, they’re shadowboxing a ghost.

          I thought you meant me, since that was what I was basically saying. 😅

          Value != price

          Now, that one wasn’t even implicitly mentioned.

          I hope you don’t hold my misunderstanding against me.

          • archomrade [he/him]
            35 months ago

            I was certainly being critical, though it was unclear by your phrasing if you were saying what I thought you were. That’s why I was using passive language.

            Marx hasn’t been explicity brought up yet

            True enough, but I assume the implicit connection your comment was making to the op was the reference to “your stolen labour value”, which would be a marxist concept, and “labor theory of value” is commonly misused as a counterargument against marx’s central critique of stolen surplus labor. Feel free clarify if I got that wrong.

            “Value != price”

            Now, that one wasn’t even implicitly mentioned.

            Well now i’m confused. If ‘labor theory of value isn’t objectively true’ isn’t making an argument about the price of a commodity not being equal to the labor it embodies, I am not sure what you’re trying to say by it.

            • @Prunebutt@feddit.de
              5 months ago

              Well now i’m confused. If ‘labor theory of value isn’t objectively true’ isn’t making an argument about the price of a commodity not being equal to the labor it embodies, I am not sure what you’re trying to say by it.

              A theory o value doesn’t necessarily say anything about price. As you said: “value != price”.

                • @Prunebutt@feddit.de
                  15 months ago

                  It’s an economic theory and therefore more to be understood as a model on how economics work.

                  The natural sciences have a hard core. The theory of gravity depends on how matter interacts in an objective, physical framework. Economic theories basically describe human interaction which are based on psychology and sociology. Therefore they depend on the societal context they are made in.

                  If you understand them as models that are tools on how to understand the world, they become more useful in political analysis (I know we are in a meme community here, but everything is politics and so on and so on…).

                  I do subscribe to many conclusions the labour theory of value and especially Marx came to. But I want y’all to remember that the theory is a mere tool for understanding and not a sacred, holy theory.

                  • archomrade [he/him]
                    25 months ago

                    … Ok? Why the neutral language all of a sudden? Yes, labor theory of value is an economic theory, which as a field of study is considered a ‘soft science’. Are you trying to say 'all economic theories and models are not objectively true"?

                    What am I missing here? Why would that be worth saying in response to the OP? It really just seems like you disagree with the ‘your stolen labor value’ claim in the OP, and are attributing it to the ‘labor theory of value’, and dismissing it as a soft-science (as opposed to dismissing it because you disagree with some portion of the theory you’ve neglected to mention).

                    My hunch is that you don’t feel confident enough in your understanding to make any kind of firm claim and are just dancing around making vague gestures toward ‘labor’ and ‘value’ definitions as a way of avoiding it.