Redditors are so blatantly fascist when sensitive topics surface. On a thread about residential school graves, I found this comment. Here is an excerpt from this that I find problematic:

the problem I have with it all is the general public is so misinformed about what happened.

The government decided that the natives needed to be forcibly integrated for their own good. The intent wasn’t to hurt them, it was seen as a way to improve their lives, but from the POV of ruthless authoritarianism that wasn’t interested in what the natives themselves wanted.

Look at how ridiculously and blatantly it whitewashes deliberate and documented genocide.

In the same thread, there is this comment with 30 upvotes in three hours:

It’s what China is doing today with the Uyghurs. In some of the document alive worked on they even directly reference this program and what canada did to the natives

One thing I have seen westerners of all strains (I don’t mean literally all but an alarmingly large majority) is they always downplay the genocide of Native American peoples and the enslavement of African peoples. You can always find someone with the baggage of the enlightenment white man who sees these phenomena as something historically unavoidable. But this guy takes it one step further and falsely equates it to whatever fanfic they read about Xinjiang. This is so deliberately misleading I hope he is getting paid for it.

Going to main subs is terrible for mental well-being.

  • Makan ☭ CPUSA
    73 years ago

    The problem is that people in the West (not all, but a huge chunk of them) can’t believe and the ones with 24/7 access to the Internet are the ones that are upper-middle class.

    They have the time, the energy, and the privilege to go on these sites and say the most “respectable” things in general if it makes them look good. They’re privileged financially and many of them have other privileges besides. Most of them think their “popular history” book is enough to debunk these claims and they leave it at that.

    Meanwhile, academic tomes and hundreds of pages in released documents, never mind the archaeological work, go against their narrative, but they aren’t as read as the “popular history” books that they cling to. Or their precious mainstream media stories, which give more time and energy to the dominant narrative and barely anything that goes against it.