What web browser do you use? I use Dot, Librewolf and sometimes Brave on desktop and Bromite and Fennec on mobile

    • Sandro LinuxOPM
      23 years ago

      Yep totally agree it is really bad and I hope firefox beats it

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
        13 years ago

        It’s gonna be hard to beat seeing how Google is using its monopoly power to prop Chrome up and now MS jumped on the wagon as well. I do hope FF can at least keep enough market share so that it can’t be ignored.

        As long as there are at least two independent web engine implementations then we’ll continue to have a semblance of standards and specifications for web protocols. The real danger with Chromium becoming the de facto engine is that it will allow Google to just add features to it without having to consult anybody or even bother documenting them in any specs. At that point Google will have complete control over how the internet functions, and that’s just too important of a thing to be in the hands of a glorified ad company.

        I’ve also been wondering if we might see a split between commercial and open web at some point. Maybe Chrome will just become an app you use to access commercial sites, and then browse using Firefox. I’m very excited with the resurgence of non-commercial sites centered around Fediverse that’s happening right now. I think the two main factors are that hosting has become relatively cheap and the barrier to setting up a site has gone down thanks to containerization. I really think that the Fediverse might be the future of the internet.

        • Sandro LinuxOPM
          23 years ago

          yeah I think that chromium becoming too powerful as a force in the browser space