Now, Gorbačëv is responsible for the collapse of the USSR, but that’s because you can’t really have a workers’ state ruled by a SuccDem. Also Perestrojka. I mean, bringing back a market economy, that doesn’t sound very Marxist to me (This also applies to the PRC. I don’t see as much economy planning there) However, Glasnost’ (which is just a more transparent system iirc), can still exist in a workers’ state.

TLDR: SuccDems, cappies, and Perestrojka are responsible for the collapse of the USSR. Not Glasnost’.

  • @GrandAyatollaLenin
    13 years ago

    I think what this analysis misses is that Gorbachev’s desire for reform came from within the party. There was a growing recognition that the old way was no longer working.

    While I understand that Gorbachev obviously failed and it’s easy to hate him for it, it’s not like another Brezhnev would have actually fixed anything. Some sort of reform was necessary. The USSR wasn’t keeping up with the West.