Now, I’m a democratic Marxist, meaning that I believe in a Marxist economy within a democratic political system. Now in all Tankie states, the elections are never unopposed. I think there should be a multi-party system using Single Transferable Vote to ensure that the people’s voice can be heard. Also, on AnComs: I have many AnCom-like views, but I believe that multi-party democratic socialist states are just as legitimate as collectives of anarchist communes.

(Hopefully I won’t get many downvotes from this)

  • Camarada Forte
    3 years ago

    China and DPRK actually have a multi-party system, but in any case, if the working class interests are the center of a party, there’s no need for other parties to guarantee democracy. Democracy is developed both inside and outside the party. This idea that you need multiple meaningless choices is ingrained in bourgeois ideology. But here we are, in bourgeois states with no democracy whatsoever when deciding what our nation produces, why it produces it, how it uses its resources, who benefits from them, but hey, we have 37 different choices of bubblegum flavour and 20 different options of bourgeois parties (all defending the interests of the bourgeoisie).