Seeing low activity here, I was thinking of creating a bot which can bring content from /r/india. Here’s what I have in mind:

  1. Every hour, post top 30 posts from /r/india to /c/india
  2. Also cross-post comments from all the posts we cross-post i.e if someone posts a comment on reddit, post it here; and if someone responds to a comment here, re-post it on appropriate thread in reddit

What do guys think? Is it a good idea? In my mind it can help break content monopoly of reddit.

  • @nutomicA
    83 years ago

    Because if Lemmy is full posts mirrored from Reddit, then people might decide its better to visit Reddit directly. I think its better if we build our own, independent community here, and maybe mirror posts manually on a case by case basis.

    • @dualinverterOP
      43 years ago

      I can respect that. I was approaching the same thing from other side, if I can get everything from reddit here, I won’t need to visit Reddit. Perhaps I should invest in a RSS-reader kind of aggregator that can do that purely client side.

      • @nutomicA
        53 years ago

        One thing you could do is setup a separate Lemmy instance for Reddit crossposts. Then and other instances could decide to federate with that or not.