Given that racists and slavers used the “natural physical strength” of black people to justify putting them on hard labor and some medics still think that blacks has higher resistance to pain, I wonder if when black athletes started to join mixed race sport teams, some racist would have used the same “biological advantage” argument that now transphobes use against trans athletes to claim it was “unfair” for black to compete against whites to justify segregation.

  • From a genetics standpoint, the evolutionary pressures in Africa resulted in an increase of the populations agility and leaner abdominal muscles when compared to Caucasians. Europes environmental pressures selected for denser and more elaborate abdominal muscles but being less agile overall when the genomes are stacked up. Just to be clear, I’ve been a member of the Anti Racist Action for over a decade. Anyone who associates any personal or physical attributes on an individual without knowing them is ignorant and disingenuine. This is an extremely short sighted move and it literally makes life harder. But, there are some biological variations between genomes which help demonstrate why people get so lost in these outlandish generalizations.