Constantly see people online talk about “when the robber comes thru my door” or whatever, and some of it is memes, but a lot of it is just people legit discussing what the “best weapon” to fight robbers breaking into your house at night would be - Giving it so much thought as if it is a legitimate concern. So is it? Does it happen a lot?

  • zod000
    11 months ago

    I did once when I was not even 20 when I lived on my own in a shitty neighborhood. I chased the scraggly dude out with a hammer. My house was then burglarized a few days later when I wasn’t home, so I can guess who did it. I’ll probably always be a bit paranoid about them because of that, but I still don’t own a bunch of guns or turn my house into a heavily surveilled bunker because I know that it’s extremely unlikely now that I live in a nicer area. I agree with a lot of the other posts, some people just fantasize about being able to legally shoot someone and there is likely some bonus racism in there.