Who do you worship and through what framework? Are you a pagan or something else? Personally I am a Norse Heathen. At the moment I worship the Norse deities and I worship my ancestors and local wights through a Heathen format. I do have syncretist leanings and for some time have felt a calling towards a couple of Roman and Greek gods. However all my worship is done and will continue to be done through a Heathen format for the foreseeable future.

What about you? What does your faith look like? Or do you lack a faith? I am interested to know!

  • Azure
    43 years ago

    I wouldn’t call myself a pagan since I don’t have explicitly spiritual beliefs, but I like pagan communities, pagan literature, there’s something very appealing in the notion of build-it-yourself mysteries and symbolism as improvisational method of guiding ones own mind and emotions.

    My ‘instincts’ run animate, the world feeling alive and filled with presence.

    Being neurodivergent in pretty energetic ways, I feel a certain resonance with Odin as a patron of language and overwhelming emotion.

    • @vivivoxOPM
      23 years ago

      Cool! That sort of diy attitude is a big thing for me, I think that’s part of what I like about the eclecticism a lot of pagans explore. My practice is fairly reconstructive but also fairly eclectic, I try to find a good balance.

      Animism is integral to heathenry so I definitely get that, for most heathens worshipping the spirits of the land and matter around us is a cornerstone to our practice. Maybe if it calls to you you might consider doing some kind of offering or other form of reverence for the spirits of the land.

      And again, I’m with you there. As a fellow neurodivergent person who just started worshipping Odin I feel like he helps me understand the fury and ecstasy that can come with extreme mood states.