Hey everyone,

I thought, as this is a pretty small community, it would be interesting to have a discussion on everyone’s favorite rosters in their region/country and what kind of coffee you like best from there.

In Belgium, I really like Mok Coffee in Leuven. They have some solid Ethiopian roasts.

  • @Cipher@beehaw.org
    511 months ago

    I really enjoy Black and White coffee roasters of of Wake Forest, NC. They experiment with a huge variety of things. I choose from their single origin options every time I’m low. From clean to funky, I really enjoy getting a new experience with each new bag.

    • @MoreCoffee@lemm.ee
      111 months ago

      I subscribed to them a few months ago, they are fantastic. Some of the tastiest and unique coffees I’ve had.

    • @AvailableFill74
      111 months ago

      What does the clean/funky label mean though? I purchased from them from time to time but can’t really understand it.

      • @Cipher@beehaw.org
        11 months ago

        I had a really hard time figuring that out as well, until I got into food fermentation. There are certain aspects of flavor and scent like boozy fruits or muskiness that are generally referred to as “funky”.

        A lot of it comes down to the processing method for coffee. For natural processes where the coffee cherry’s fruit body is left on the bean during fermentation, you’re a lot more likely to get these funky notes.

        For “washed” processes where the fruit body is removed before fermentation, you get more of the flavor from the coffee bean itself. These tend to be more “clean” in flavor notes.