More or less one week ago, Telegram started to publish the Android app’s APK on its website.

The website app has a different package name and can be installed along with the PlayStore build. It’s already updated to v7.7, which is undergoing stores reviews.

One interesting thing about the “stand-alone” version is that will display groups, channels and bots that are not accessible from the PlayStore app because of PlayStore’s privacy policy. From the sourcecode, by the way, as far as I can tell, it looks like content restrictions are ignored if the package name doesn’t match the package name of the PlayStore build - that means that forks (such as Telegram-FOSS) are automatically able to display restricted content

  • riccardoOPM
    3 years ago

    Yeah, I’m using Forkgram and it sucks my battery dry. Unfortunately I think that even the official Android app would have to implement a persistent service to deliver notifications without delays, if PlayServices are not available

    • @cyrus
      3 years ago

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