• @masquenox
      337 months ago

      I’m sure he would rather put them on trains. And still wouldn’t see the hypocrisy.

      Funny you mention that… one of the things that barely gets any mention in history books is how enthusiastically Europe’s police forces collaborated with the Holocaust - the Vichy police literally rounded up Jewish people by the thousand to send off to the death camps without the Nazis even asking them to do so.

      It’s almost like the institution of police was invented to act as a distillery for the worst right-wing goons that the people at the top can sicc on anyone that the status quo has painted as a threat and/or scapegoat.

      • @Omega_Haxors
        97 months ago

        The police are an inherently fascist force, from the very moment they were created, up to this very day.

      • @agent_flounder@lemmy.world
        77 months ago

        I think that’s absolutely true but also a position of power is gonna attract the power hungry. A position permitted to use violence …

        • @masquenox
          97 months ago

          It’s actually somewhat difficult to tell which aspects of US policing wasn’t born out of the slave patrol. I guess you could say that the Texas Rangers is an aspect that wasn’t born out of it… it was born out of the need to commit pogroms and generalized genocide against Native Americans.