• ghost_laptop
    03 years ago

    Is any 0f these libre?

    Also, while not precisely designed for that, I learned to use all my fingers while typing thanks to Duolingo. What I did is to type really slow but using all the punctuation marks, capital letters, and so on. I was practicing German and there every noun is written with capitals so that also helped, plus it felt better since I was killing two birds in one shot.

    • SeerLite
      13 years ago

      Monkeytype is open source (code on GitHub), but uses Firebase for hosting and the whole source is really tied to it as far as I undertand. Also they use Discord for everything, going from quote submission to feature requests and bug reports. GitHub is also used but I’ve always felt like the dev’s attention is mostly the Discord.

      Otherwise it’s pretty great and the most feature-full of them all IMO. Literally everything is customizable and there’s lots of modes to play around with. I’ve been using it to learn Colemak-DH the past months and it’s been really fun.