Rule #2 is possibly our most important one:

Be respectful. Everyone should feel welcome here.

Learn to disagree without being rude or disrespectful.

It can be difficult sometimes, since western social media thrives on collective outrage, and they knowingly ingrain this into us for years. But please do adhere to this rule, and it will make this place much more enjoyable.

We will not hesitate to issue temp bans (usually a day or two) for those who make everyone’s experience unpleasant.Hit the report button if you see this behavior.


  • @Barbarian
    811 months ago

    More power to ya. I like the ruleset here, but that’s the glorious thing about Lemmy: don’t like the rules of your instance? Go to one that works better for you.

    • Lenins2ndCat
      411 months ago

      Yeah that’s why I spend almost all my time on Hexbear instead.