We all know about how Reddit closed-sourced back in 2017 and will be killing off third-party apps this July, what will Lemmy.ml do to avoid facing the same fate? Reddit started off like this (open, aiming for freedom) and it all went downhill from there.

  • @bigbox
    1411 months ago

    I don’t think it’s possible due to it being decentralized. If anything goes wrong start your own instance. That’s what I think a lot of the new users don’t realize. This isn’t a reddit clone, it’s something with much greater potential

    • @SoaringDE@feddit.de
      611 months ago

      I think one of the big hurdles is the user accounts. If the instance hosting my user account goes down I’ll need to make a new one. That’s fine once or twice but we should watch out that this does not become a frequent occurence. Otherwise people might get dissilusioned - Nobody wants to create a new account every few months. And some people get quite connected to their accounts, too.

      • @amanneedsamaid@sopuli.xyz
        611 months ago

        Mastodon avoids this issue by allowing migration of user accounts from instance to instance, is this / can this be implemented into Lemmy?

        • @Barbarian
          311 months ago

          Can definitely be done. Just need someone to do it. I need to read more of the documentation and figure out how all this works before contributing, I don’t want to waste the dev’s time coaching a newbie. That’s the last thing they need right now.

          • nLuLukna
            311 months ago

            I’m under the impression that getting the code running as effectively as possible for the 12th is the current aim But that’s just from what I’ve seen on Lemmy

      • @sibachian
        311 months ago

        neither reddit nor lemmy are social media platforms in the “conventional” sense. you have no value of identity (save for upvotes, which are meaningless) and it is probably proper etiquette to create new accounts every few months/year to ensure the crawlers can’t identify your user to a shadow profile anyway. losing your user account doesn’t mean anything because these platforms don’t really support an influencer type ecosystem anyway (oh sure, reddit now allows you to follow users and want you to sign up with email etc to lock you in, but don’t get baited) and the content you post should mainly be links, pictures or discussion topics that will fade away from value within an average of 24 hours.

        • @MDKAOD
          11 months ago

          While that might be true from the stance of “this is what everyone should do” it’s not realistic with how the general public actually behaves.

          • @sibachian
            111 months ago

            People are also trying to use discord like a traditional forum, that doesn’t mean they should, and they are suffering for it. There is this thing called “use the tool for the job”, if you use the wrong tool, then that’s not really an issue of the tool, it’s an issue of the user.