Read the comments in the chains that are beneath it.

My participation will be low here for the time being, but this is something that affects all. Brace yourselves.

Additional information that borderline fascistic instances like already exist (Finland NATO supporter), and (PrivacyGuides admin) is run by a US/Canada nationalist that defederated Lemmygrad day 1 and calls people here liberals.

  • I remember has had a few surges of new users in the past. I don’t remember if they were as big as this one, but we’ll know in a month or so how many of these new users will actually stay active on Lemmy.

    The numbers update once a day on, surged up from behind us up to 1.1k and beehaw went from like ~100 to 500, but apart from that the other instances don’t show huge numbers. They also block us, so we won’t see them posting here.

    Everyone should remember to use the report function. It’s accessible by clicking the three dots under a comment or post and clicking the flag icon.

    And yes, you’re all allowed to debate liberals that wander here as much as you want, but please also report them if they’re anti-communist or start trolling.

    How has your reading been going by the way, comrade?

    • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmygrad.mlOP
      1 year ago

      Not yet read the materials, mainly because of the whole Reddit exodus thing that will be going on for a while. I have to think what to do with my privacy subreddit. I will take time to participate here unless I can fully accept where I stand on the social slider, because I am protective towards this space even if I may have to leave. I did pursue other methods into seeing redpill arguments and Jubilee YT channel middle ground debates related to alphamale/beta/feminism and such.