I use the lubuntu lts. Does everybody else like lxqt or are there things you prefered lxde for?

  • @blah1367
    63 years ago

    I am using lubuntu 18.04 lts lxde since thats the last 32bit x86/i386 version and it works great on old PCs. I guess I have no basis of comparison with lxqt since those builds are offered as 64bit only but I really like how the desktop of lxde and lots of apps are still using gtk2, supporting older themes. overall I may have to switch to Debian if they are still supporting lxde on x86 32bit machines when lubuntu 18.04 LTS goes out of support but im tying not to think of that now 😃

    • @NotAGingerOP
      3 years ago

      Wow. I am surprised you are using a 32 bit machine. How old is it? I think I bought my first 64 bit machine in 2008. It is awesome that you can keep hardware for so long.