• @veroxii
    511 months ago

    Might as well ask here since it’s relevant, but I’ve been thinking of spinning up a beefy lemmy instance and “mirroring” some of my favourite reddit subs across into custom mirror communities. A kind of archive but which you can browse from any lemmy UI. For example, there are some news and sports threads I enjoy following. Would this be a good or bad idea? Would it needlessly flood the other instances?

    • DessalinesA
      411 months ago

      There’d be nothing wrong with that, because people could block those communities if they wish.

    • @mft
      211 months ago

      Thought about the same thing. How and can it be automated? Would give Lemmy a good starting point.

    • @Cromutorium
      211 months ago

      I had a similar idea but wouldn’t you need to use Reddit’s API to grab the posts, or is there another way?

      • @veroxii
        311 months ago

        Yes, but apparently private apps & usage is still free (for now). You just can’t create an app id for use by thousands of users. From https://www.redditinc.com/blog/2023apiupdates :

        Our Reddit Data API will still be open for reasonable and appropriate use cases and accessible via our Developer Platform, which is designed to help developers improve the core Reddit experience.