Just joined Lemmy after observing how much of a mess Reddit is now. Not really sure how all the parts of this service work together, but am looking forward to trying it out.

Thought I’d share my on-boarding process here in the vaguelly general spot. Perhaps others showing up will want to share their impressions of joining up as well.

I’m a long-time user of Mastodon, so already have a good sense of the Fediverse, its philosophy and workings - so I get how this is set up.

Selecting a server/instance on a Fedi service is always a bit of a decision. I tried to avoid the picking the biggest one here (which I did on Masto and still mean to shift away from it). First small server I tried seemed to die during the signup. Was happy to see Lemmy.one was pretty smooth. Some of the profile settings are a bit cryptic - so I’ll have to figure out what they mean.

Next I shall survey the communities available and hang out a bit. Do people do hashtags here?

Anyway - Hello World.

  • Adda
    1 year ago

    Welcome :)

    Do people do hashtags here?

    Lemmy has no special support for hashtags. We generally do not use them. But there will be hashtags leaking through from Mastodon and other fediverse platforms. However, for the Lemmy, they are just a part of the simple text. Nothing to click on, etc. Lemmy was supposed to be community following-driven, as opposed to user of hashtag following-driven #noHashtags I am not sure if any changes are planned in this area. One could always look through the GitHub issues and/or ask the developers. But you can still search for them across posts using the search function at the top right (they would be handled as a normal text again, though).

    P.S.: I have never used hashtags, so… What is the appropriate naming convention for hashtags? camelCase, flatcase or something different?