• @KommandoGZD@lemmygrad.ml
    1711 months ago

    DAE everybody and everything dumb, all opinion pointless xddddddd

    Thought it was the funniest shit growing up, because its edge and some of its cultural critiques actually did break through the malaise and limits of early 2000s cultural life. Had its limitations and problems then too ofc, but there was something countercultural and subversive to it, especially in regards to the much more prude and religious zeitgeist then.

    But at least since like 2015/16 its just so…meh. Idk if it’s more my personal development or the show declining, but its just so bland, uninspired, unfunny and milquetoast in its messaging to me. Its just another pseudo-intellectual lib show with nothing but faux subversiveness. Just another participant in the boring as culture war with the creators libertarianism inevitably making it drift more to the right - I suspect, because I don’t think I’ve seen an episode in years.

    The inevitable result of canonization, commodification, etc I guess