Just joined Lemmy today and found this community. Any Shadowrun players/GMs here? Been playing SR5 on and off for quite a few years, and just started a new campaign. Very excited to get it off the ground.
Just joined Lemmy today and found this community. Any Shadowrun players/GMs here? Been playing SR5 on and off for quite a few years, and just started a new campaign. Very excited to get it off the ground.
Sorry, I love the setting but haven’t played in a long time, and my time/energy is capped out for games already with the two PF2E games I’m in (one of which I run)
Oh, I wasn’t trying to recruit for a session or anything, was more wondering if there are members of this community that like and/or play shadowrun.
I got the PF2E humble bundle during the height of the DnD community license scandal, and the system looks interesting. Might give it a try in a few months when one of my campaigns dies down, I’m also pretty capped out atm myself :)
I like the Golarion setting (there are some steampunk-ish countries, so you may love some of that content :D ), and I like the system. The remaster (a sort of 2.1 edition) looks like it’ll be a nice cleanup / errata as they ditch all OGL content and replace most of it.