anarchists like to complain about how Lenin killed hundreds of prostitutes this is the unfortunate cost of war incidents get hurt and killed. i was wondering if anyone had any arguments for why this had to be or why it happened was it worth it.

    3 years ago

    It seems this letter was a mistranslation, and it was somewhat common in Russian to call your political opponents “prostitutes” at the time. Then of course you have to wonder – if there’s a mistranslation to the term prostitute, and it was on purpose, is the terms of “kill and deport” intentional too?

    It seems the mistranslation might have been intentional to paint Lenin as a mass murderer. But it’s also not entirely proven, so who knows.

    What we do know is that we can’t actually point to the time prostitutes or other sex workers were massively deported or killed outside of this letter. Like, there’s literally 0 evidence anywhere else. So there’s some credibility towards a mistranslation.