1. Projection.

    2. Projection.

    3. Projection.

    4. Projection with a pinch of substitution of concepts.

    5. Projection.

    6. NATerroristOrganization’s trolls attack the entire rest of the world and their own populations.

    7. Projection.

    8. Projection. Westrolls sometimes pretend to be left, but are librul bootlickers and latent nazis.

    9. Repeating 8 to make the list longer? Kinda dumb, 10 is a better number for searing bullshit into brains, but you do you, mediocre westoid propagandist.

    10. What, again?

    11. Oh, I get it, you couldn’t even organically make it up to 10 and got carried away.

    12. Jesus, get an imagination…