Basically that. I was hired during COVID as fully remote in an author type position for the supply chain of a manufacturing facility. Took the job because promised remote as I’m not close to the facility. Now, 2 years later, all remote work is ending because some old fuck boomer doesn’t like remote work and needs to show how he’s the big boy with final say. I live over 2 hours drive away and can’t just pick up my life and move. My entire team is one of the most productive groups in our facility and we are about to loose most of it. Not a single aspect of my job requires me to be on sote. Even if I was made an exception due to my location the rest are not. Our department is about to loose ~70% of the workers because so many were hired as remote only. So it wouldn’t even be worth staying because of the fallout that is going to go down. Even if I did decide to move with the direction the company is going… Like these fucks don’t even have places for people to sit. Literally people don’t have their own cubicles. Just sitting at those long folding tables in whatever room they can stuff them… No designated seating. Nothing.

It’s fucking stupid. I actually liked my job and my team. I was happy. I was fucking content with my work life for the first time since I started working over a decade ago. And now it’s all gone. All because some fuck all piece of old dogshit CEO oligarch fuck needs to power trip. I fucking hate capitalism. I fucking hate these old fuck oligarchs. I fucking hate this dogshit fuck of a country. Someone just end it. I legitimately would rather just the whole US collapse , even if I die in the resulting civil unrest as this shithole tears itself apart, than spend god knows how long trying to claw my way back to something half as decent what what I had finally achieved. At least then I’d have an excuse to just give up. But no, now I’m fucking going into fucking LinkedIn and company sites filling out the same fucking infor 1000 times over while the only thing I get is spammed by 100 fucking contract agencies.

Sorry to ramble on comrades I just…I needed to vent. I know I have it better than a lot of ppl. I probably don’t have much of a right to complain… It just… It fucking sucks.

  • bunkrra
    11 year ago


    1. what is in your working contract written? It is a permanent contract?
    2. There is a shift in the trend, companies are asking to come back to work in to the officies, statisticaly, it doesnt make sense, cause remote work is at least same efficient as work in office, with some types of positions even more.
    3. CEO didnt make a decision just by himself, its usually driven by other factors, economical, HR, company mood, brand aspiration, market position. He is just the corn on the top of the shitpile. 3.1. If its true and they will possibly lay off so much people, there will be a backslash, new hires, production slow down, negative feedback, brand will suffer.
    4. Its sounds like they need to proove something, or its just a shady move to cover something else and if they approach is company wide, so no excuses, everyone will be now in the office, me or you dont know who is driving the idea, they may like to push something on the level of internal communication have you more in office, more under the sight. Therefore more influence and control.
    5. Dont be so mad, change is natural, if they wanna change, so be it. You will find another job, more suitable, maybe even better paid.
    6. Grab your porfolio, pimp it, sell it.