• spoiler

    no way, freddy fazbear real 😳😳😳

    lmao, 1) I wonder how the hell she did that, 2) imagine if a Danganronpa V4 ever comes out and it’s about Monaca’s findings during her time in space. “Danganronpa V4: A Monaca Odyssey”. That is, assuming she hasn’t become a satellite already.

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      Dr 4 will be about Freddy Fazbear retrieving his cousin Monokuma from wherever he is located in school currently and starting another killing game.

      As for Monaca, she launched herself with small space ship consisting of one room and 4 rockets on each side, she is probably chilling on international space station since then but she’ll probably return for 4th round.

      • spoiler

        Pfft, I was going to ask, “who is Dr 4” XD As for starting another killing game, maybe in another school? Also, I do wonder if there’s an entry in the DR franchise that doesn’t involve needlessly slaughtering students.

        Wow, Monaca’s parents work in JAXA (Japanese equivalent of NASA) 😳😳😳

          • alunyanneгs 🏳️‍⚧️♀️OP
            1 year ago

            No, I haven’t. I still haven’t started the DR games (I don’t know if I will either since I don’t really like dark/edgy/depressing things anymore), although I have DR1.

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              Monokuma killed them(father at least) after she asked and sent him to do so. Interestingly, I like dark/edgy/depressing things since I was 9 lol.

              • spoiler

                Well, aren’t you lucky heh. I liked them when I was a minor too, albeit not so much anymore now that I’m no longer a minor lol.

                But interesting to see 'ol colorless bear take on someone’s personal vendetta. I guess her father did something so vile it even got the 'ol bear disgusted?