Great study into epistemology and pedagogy

  • Remember how insanely error prone wikipedia was out the gate yet now its damn near spot on everytime. This is why AI’s have the thumbs up and down buttons so it can be corrected. Asking for recipes regarding chemistry, it BLEW tough just a month ago but now its accurate noticeably more often than last month. This demonstrates over time the AI software will dial in answers and its great to see a Prof utilize it during this process nonetheless.

    • @altair222@beehaw.orgOP
      01 year ago

      Personally, I want to see chatGPT die, regardless of the future of AIs. It was a lie from the very beginning on being open source in nature, and is a huge privacy nightmare and a serious danger to the open web.

      • §ɦṛɛɗɗịɛ ßịⱺ𝔩ⱺɠịᵴŧ
        1 year ago

        Open AI is just that yet the rest isn’t which is BS based on the marketing for chatGPT. is fed info constantly so its literally update by the minute and not only 2021 and before like chatGPT. It had breakdowns of the East Palestine train wreck as info was available plus it provides sources and doesn’t require an account. This makes it a solid option until is up and running in my book