• k0mprssd
    608 months ago

    “We’re not going to wreck the economy. The truth is we are going to wreck the billionaire economy,” said UAW President Shawn Fain.

    i love this quote

    • @MrVilliam@lemmy.world
      358 months ago

      And it didn’t take long before they started to feel the effects of the strike. “When did the strike begin” some may be asking. Fucking yesterday.

      These clowns are rapidly learning how much they depend upon us to keep their dragon hoards stocked. And it’s because a large enough fraction of us has started to learn it in the first place. If they weren’t so fucking greedy to take more and more, we might’ve been complacent enough to not start looking more closely. It’s the Netflix price hikes, but for stagnant wages and increased cost of living.