Let’s say I have a list of 10 files and I enter a new tracker and want to start seeding those files that already being shared on the tracker.

How can I acheive that?

Moreover, it would be useful to show which files do not have any seeder on the tracker where I could jump right in.

Is there some script/ software for it?

  • bookloveroOP
    2 years ago

    I have a couple of files ubuntu1.0, ubuntu2.0, …, ubuntu20.0 and I’d like to share it with other people on a tracker, yet I do not know which ubuntu is already on the tracker. I have to search manually which file is already on it, and then I can add another .torrent file for the missing ubuntu version. Instead, a script could create a hash of each file, look up if each hash is already on the tracker, if so, download the .torrent file, and if not create a torrent file for it.

    Is that clearer now?