Thank you Spotify for this ONE time you recommended a good band to me.

Discovered this song in my weekly mix and yep, the band is great. They never got the attention they deserved apparently but their first three albums are solid classic prog rock.

They’re still making music to this day (i don’t know how many original members are still in this band though) but they’ve had their ups and downs after their prog period. Tried many different styles, even glam in the 90s when grunge was the rage (that’s a… choice) and then weird avant-garde underground-techno-hard-rock mix, I kid you not, but they’ve had bangers too in that period.

Definitely start with the first three albums if you like this one though.

  • QueerCommie
    21 year ago

    It’s not the sort of music I’d usually listen to, but it’s pretty good.