Just venting here. I make a decent wage. Over the past few months, this is no longer enough to cover my expenses. I live very simply. I cannot ‘cut back’ on anything. I think I’m going to have to get a 2nd job.

And I’m one of the luckier ones! I am worried we are headed towards another great depression.

  • DankZedong
    1 year ago

    In my opinion this is a generally dumb idea but it’s worth a shot: have you looked around for another, better paying job? Keep in mind I know nothing about your education or career right now, but switching jobs can easily add an extra 3-400 dollars to your salary. It is a pretty good time to look around.

    Otherwise keep ahead of things. I guide people in debt and a big thing that goes wrong is that they get overwhelmed by expenses and payments and just put their head in the sand and stop looking at it. But it’s important to keep track of bills, expenses etc. and get payment plans if needed. Or call the company you owe money to figure things out.

    This is not necessarily going to improve your situation but it’s some important advice I like to give people, and it can help to keep things manageable. Stay strong comrade, I hope things get better soon.

    • @i_must_destroy@lemmygrad.mlOP
      81 year ago

      I think I am due for a promotion. I will see. I work from home now and honestly like my job, but I may have to look for something new.

      I had planned to be basically debt free in like 2 years, but that’s not a possibility now.