Just venting here. I make a decent wage. Over the past few months, this is no longer enough to cover my expenses. I live very simply. I cannot ‘cut back’ on anything. I think I’m going to have to get a 2nd job.

And I’m one of the luckier ones! I am worried we are headed towards another great depression.

  • @ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
    151 year ago

    Everything is just getting worse, far beyond the personal control of anyone. In my personal experience my utilities company just spit in my face by writing on my bill that I used 65% less electricity in the past month compared to my average from before. Which is only due to me living in the dark like a caveman with no heating, no hot water, minimal lights, minimal electronics, no oven, and so on. Which didn’t matter at all in the end as they wrote that they have increased their rates by nearly 40% this month. On top of already increasing their rates by 20-50 percent every month without stop for the past 6 months.

    I am now paying over double for energy compared to when I was living “lavishly” with amenities like hot water.

    People are going to die in increasing numbers in the next coming months. Starvation, hypothermia, malnutrition, pneumonia, even more unaffordable healthcare… all for what?

    • @i_must_destroy@lemmygrad.mlOP
      61 year ago

      Companies have been given a green light to extract as much profit as possible, even moreso than they have since the implementation of neoliberalism.

      I am wondering if the ruling class are expecting some MAJOR crises in the immediate future. They are acting like it.

      • @redtea@lemmygrad.ml
        61 year ago

        This is what I’ve been thinking.

        Especially with energy prices. I know these companies have monopolies on energy. It’s not like most people can wander down to the nearest forest to collect firewood. But even so, these prices are unsustainable and it’s hard to see long term economic planning in these pricing decisions. It’s as if they’re trying to cram the next twenty years’ worth of profit into two-to-five financial years.

        Maybe they are pessimistic about something the rest of us should be celebrating… maybe they really do see the massive reduction of fossil fuel use coming round the corner.

        I’m not overly hopeful that we’ll reach 2030 or even 2050 net zero goals, but maybe these energy companies are fearful that we might.

        They do say (not energy companies, granted) that everything is contradiction. Maybe they’re right.