Got banned for “discriminatory speech” on Instagram after posting the lyric video for “come out ye black and tans.” Clearly they hadn’t heard of the British soldiers called that, and thought I was being racist, right? RIGHT? Well apparently after much talk and alerting them about what that song is about they said I was racist against BRITISH PEOPLE! I also used my own slur to refer to myself jokingly, got temp banned, and then I reported nazis who used it to being discriminatory towards me and they didn’t get banned. Great when I report someone who literally said “Shut up you stupid tr****” and “you’ll never be a woman” and next day “We didn’t find any problems with this person.”

  • DankZedong
    1 year ago

    There was this online game called Habbo which I played in my early teens. I was member of a popular group board there on which I contributed a lot.

    Out of nowhere this account with the name of Papandreou (Greek politician at the time) came around and starting trolling hard on the board, insulting a lot of people. This went on for a while. Suddenly, people suspected me of being that account, which made no sense at all. Of course, the guy went on a roll with it, sending DMs to everyone saying I was secretly him. The cherry on the cake was when we on one day logged in at the same time coincedentally. They banned me from the group after that.

    At the time it felt really stupid. It also sucked to lose an online group of cool people at that age. Looking back on it now, it’s pretty funny. But it was dumb nonetheless.